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Get Dat Fukken Disk 3: The end of a trilogy!
You let loose a barrage of farts within the pod for vengeance of your score.
Blitzen holds up an emergency oxygen tank and turns it on in front of you.

You head to the Bar to get yourself a drink and take a break from studying things.
The bar seems to have a hole in it, and there are various chemicals on the floor.  Apparently, the clown broke in, got chased by security and, in a last ditch effort to escape, accidentally flash banged himself.  The Bartender and Janitor have been busy cleaning up the bar of chemicals since.

Flesh Utopia (1)
You ask where exactly it says in the book of crime you did anything wrong.  Upon taking it out and pointing to code 109, you immediately take the book and flush yourself down the prisoner release chute.
Success!  You got away.  You get shot right outside security.
The officer is standing right next to where you land.
You wake up in the brig, your home away from home. Your timer says 1 minute.

FuLPaSM (3), 3/20
You attempt to decode telescience.  The time it will take depends on how close your predictions are, though it will take at least 4 minutes no matter what.  If you choose not to use your next minute, you will automatically attempt decode telescience again.

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RE: Get Dat Fukken Disk 3: The end of a trilogy! - by Technature - 07-23-2018, 10:37 PM

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