Awfulworldkid Mentor App 3: Electric Boogaloo
App is dumb however based on what i've seen in discord+your behavior in game i'd say rementoring you wouldn't hurt, i'd suggest taking a hard look at both why you want to be mentor and what you would bring other then knowledge to the team, then use that to rewrite this app later, but for now, i'll have to say no on this.

Also i hate to doublepost but i forgot to add one other point, the "I maintain that some of them deserved it, especially the captain that removed access on his own ID to go be a roboticist and made it entirely harder than it should have been to call the shuttle" point is the wrong attitude for someone who wants to be mentor to have, and you'll need to let it go if you do reapply.

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RE: Awfulworldkid Mentor App 3: Electric Boogaloo - by fosstar - 07-12-2018, 12:09 AM

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