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Gutters, pipes, pumps, hoses, and tanks
Need a lot of fluids moved from one place to another? Don't have the time to mop it up with sponges and wring it out? How new methods of moving fluids around?
  • Gutters - Gutters are special floor tiles that have are deeper and can contain more water. Connecting two gutter tiles, the water will naturally want to move into them before picking a non-gutter tile. Use this to control the flow of water from one side of the station to another. Can be covered with a grate so that it can be walked over without slipping
  • Pipes - Pipes are underground tubes that can be connected with their own drains
  • Pumps - Place a pump along a pipeline to control the flow of water from a pipe. Using a pump, you can suction fluid from one area and dump it out into another
  • Hoses - Attachable to pumps, functionally the same as a pipe but made of cheaper materials and lies above ground. Laid out like wire, is also a tripping hazard. 
  • Tanks - Attachable to pumps, can be used as a source to pump fluids into or out from a pipe or hose attachment

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Gutters, pipes, pumps, hoses, and tanks - by Frank_Stein - 07-08-2018, 11:30 PM

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