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Most secret chems shouldn't be secret.
(06-24-2018, 07:38 PM)Tarmunora Wrote: One option for making secret chems 'less secret' could be allowing you to 'reverse-engineer' samples found in artbeakers for more detailed hints, spend spacebux for a note with a clue, rare half-burnt piles of notes in Z5, etc. That way the chems won't become instantly available to everyone, but it means that you have a hope to learn theĀ  recipes without turbonerding away in chem for hours.

(06-25-2018, 05:29 AM)Sov Wrote: I think having hints to a few recipes hidden in adventure zones could be a cool thing

Good ideas!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Most secret chems shouldn't be secret. - by Flourish - 06-29-2018, 01:25 AM

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