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Most secret chems shouldn't be secret.
Chemistry was at its absolute best immediately after the cogwerks rework. Everything was secret but all the recipies were based on their real life counterparts so you could do actual online research to figure it out (bar the gimmicky chemicals). Unfortunately the code leak ruined this mostly but oh well. Personally I think that the wiki now gives away too much but that's just me.


Quote:I mean lax the rules more, as in make it like the rules for medals where people can discuss hints and stuff as long as they don't reveal it.

This is still literally how it is now. Me and SpyGuy built a friendship working together to hunt down chemicals. Honestly I don't think you'd even get shouted out for just giving out the recipies as long as it's not something new or something like glowing flip.

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RE: Most secret chems shouldn't be secret. - by Readster - 06-27-2018, 08:55 AM

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