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wearing an ID without a jumpsuit
you should be able to wear an id without a jumpsuit and here are multiple ways how/why

1) if its a clip-on ID you could reasonably clip it onto a flap of skin (though it would be very painful to put on and take off)

2) if its like a card you would have in your pocket or in your wallet you could just staple it onto your body 

3) you could hold it in your mouth

Messages In This Thread
wearing an ID without a jumpsuit - by babayetu83 - 06-26-2018, 04:35 PM
RE: wearing an ID without a jumpsuit - by Eibel - 06-27-2018, 08:35 AM
RE: wearing an ID without a jumpsuit - by Kovirii - 08-14-2018, 06:19 PM

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