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Most secret chems shouldn't be secret.
The secret chems are balanced by the effort it takes to make them, not by their obscurity. You can kill someone just as well with publically available chems as you can with a beaker of sarin.

Case in point:

This thing had no secret reagents in it whatsoever, except for colourful reagent, which only added an aesthetic flair.

Most games have a progression or a power curve. In MMOs it can be an epic mount to prove you are the biggest poopsocker. In FPS games you obtain the rocket launcher towards the end. In multiplayer games you might earn hats or new guns as you rank up.

In chemistry you gain knowledge. It allows you to show off and do things someone just starting out can't do. But they could. With patience, practice and diligence. This is as it should be.

Sometimes you simply can't do it all straight off the bat. Then you just have to put the time in and learn the secrets yourself. That spaceman who fed you rajaijah and locked you in the monkey pen did. Nothing saying you can't too.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Most secret chems shouldn't be secret. - by Spy_Guy - 06-26-2018, 09:13 AM

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