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Gang Ideas
Gang has the potential to be a really fun game mode but its no secret it suffers from a few key shortfalls. I think a majority of gangs problems can be solved with two changes.

1. Gang lockers must be a certain distance away from one another
This prevents gangs from setting up shop in adjacent rooms from another turning the round into a clusterfuck.

2. Have something to discourage placing a gang locker in a public, easily accessible area such as sec being able to steal gang points, other gangs being able to deface the locker, ETC
I think gangs biggest downfall is the lack of a definite in round fail-state and lockers complete and total invincibility seems like it would be the easiest thing to change to fix that

Those are the two big changes that in my mind would improve the gameplay of all gang rounds. There are other changes that i think would improve it more incrementally however.
1. add gang to mixed
2. allow gang leaders to purchase weapons with gang points
3. Allow gang leaders to set the gangs outfit before placing the locker

Messages In This Thread
Gang Ideas - by New525 - 06-17-2018, 05:14 PM
RE: Gang Ideas - by Frank_Stein - 06-17-2018, 05:47 PM

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