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Phaser Type I: a weak/versatile standard issue phaser for emergencies
About a month or so ago, mybluecorners had a joke round where everyone spawned with a random gun in order to "test" something with projectiles because someone suggested it in ooc before round start. And that round was very fun, but super dangerous. People were stealing and hoarding guns and most of the guns were very deadly. We should each have a standard issue self-defense weapon, we're spacemen on a space station and the best option for self defense most people have are their fists and toolboxes, that's just wrong. (it is funny and I would never want to take that away, but I want more space-age stuff)

Hear me out on this before you jump down my throat.

The phaser I'm proposing will be very weak and pretty situational. For the most part I want it to be something to help you get away from danger, not something that will let you kill people. This is what I have in mind:

- Just about every crew member should have one of these small phasers in their pocket on round start. Most Scientists, Medical staff, Command, Security, and Engineers should have them, maybe even the Civilian jobs too. Obviously the clown's Phaser will just shock whoever tries to use it.

- Phasers are fingerprint locked to the person it was spawned for, sort of like the security tasers used to require security access to fire a few years ago. This way nobody really has a way to steal them. Emagged phasers could be fired by anyone I suppose.

- Has small self-charging power cell. You'll only be able to shoot this 1-3 times during an encounter depending on the power level used

- It has 4 modes so far, maybe more if anyone can think of other features: stun, damage, power, utility
    - stun - Actually a misnomer, this isn't actually a stun. It only reduces stamina of the person shot. Helpful for outrunning people trying to kill you. uses small amount of power per shot
    - damage - weak phaser bolt. does about 10 burn damage uses modest amount of power.
    - power - powerful phaser beam. You have to stand in place for a couple seconds for you to "aim" and for the phaser to "charge" in order to fire. You can see my prototype in the video. This will drain the whole power cell.
    - utility - This is mostly what I want suggestions on. I have it in mind that these phasers should be like the Star Trek phasers (hence the name I stole) which have more uses than combat. 
        - I think this should be able to be shot on an object in order to heat it up, to provide heat for cold places. 
        - Maybe there could be another function that blocks the user from an energy weapon shot, or some of the damage if activated at the right time. 
        - Protects your from space/atmos damage while active if you have internals too. Only active for a couple seconds at most and would drain all the power remaining.
- Also firing the phaser on damage or power might send a PDA notification to the AI or Security. But that might be OP.
Below is a link to a video I made showing the basics for what I have so far. I still need sprites for projectiles and the gun. Also the power setting I want to be a beam, like in star trek, but I just have it as another projectile here.

Messages In This Thread
Phaser Type I: a weak/versatile standard issue phaser for emergencies - by kyle2143 - 06-06-2018, 07:23 PM

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