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Help me put together tips for roleplaying on 1
Try to be receptive of whatever interactions other crew members set up. Those crew wide events Eibs mentioned? Try to attend thrm whenever you can! Good breeding ground for both doing stuff and watching other shenanigans.

Similarly, try to overall be receptive to other players' individual interactions with you. (Though of course, you can play a character who's a real brush-off. There's a balance to be made. ) You can't exactly arpee much if you don't interact, plus you'd be surprised how fun seemingly mundane conversations can be.

Don't eat the yellow snow.

Try to be a bit mindful of who you see being more arpee-conscious. When you have something you want to do, being a bit picky about who you do stuff to can help, and should make for better times for those involved.

I also recommend limiting what your character knows. Sure, YOU may know your way around every medicine and condition, but does your Mechanic character know? What about your Scientist character? Your Geneticist character?

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RE: Help me put together tips for roleplaying on 1 - by CandleCandleCandles - 06-04-2018, 03:31 PM

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