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Blob could use a rework or an overhaul
(05-29-2018, 06:23 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote:
(05-29-2018, 06:03 PM)Wire Wrote: You'd need a different way of attaining evo points if you take out people absorbing, though.

Instead, make it so you can actually travel through blob tiles, albeit very slowly. While on the same tile as blob matter, you take burn damage and the blob accumulates points

Idea: Unique blob tile, OR tile mechanics* that works like a conveyor belt, slowly moving incapacitated people towards specialized digestion tiles. At at high health you can move away easily, but since you are in the belly (or esophagus) of the beast you will take damage.

Green Health - fast enough to move out with relative ease
Yellow - You can still make it out but slower and thus taking more damage while trying to do so
Orange - You are now being sucked inwards slowly
Red/Crit - You can offer little to no resistance against the strong blob swallowing muscles

*As an alternate and potentially more coding intensive idea, what if any blob tile could move an entity trapped in it slowly towards the closest digestion tile via the same pathing mechanics as, say, beepsky summoning or the MULEbot? This would involve the implementation of Frank's idea of moving through any blob tile.

Additional thought: If moving through tiles becomes a thing it should absolutely do damage the more time you are in there, with an upgrade that has the capacity to ramp that damage up significantly.

Sorry to keep posting, but I really like the idea of blobs, and while I do enjoy their current iteration my imagination is running wild now.

An additional upgrade might be a fun idea- Sticky: Anyone attacking blob tiles with a melee weapon has a small (scaling with upgrade level) chance of dropping their held melee weapon IN the blob tile.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Blob could use a rework or an overhaul - by Recusor - 05-31-2018, 07:20 AM

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