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Remove the Security Officer's optional goals.
Okay, yeah, I'm starting to see the confusion.

The incidents I was talking about were ones where the people permabrigged did nothing in particular to actually harm people. One was brigged for challenging people to steal his wrestling belt in a no holds barred wrestling match, another was brigged because (and I wasn't there when it happened, just for the brigging itself) presumably he set off a contraband detector and nothing else (a civilian even assisted him in breaking out). I had to threaten the officer with brig time in the last one to get him to knock it off (and he re-arrested the guy after the shuttle took off anyways).

I can totally understand the death penalty for murder (I usually take the contrabrand and PDA, throw them in brig for four minutes (five if it's REALLY bad), and warn them to not be expected alive if they get caught again, assuming the cloner is in tact and no one was gibbed). I usually borg them so they can still play though.

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RE: Remove the Security Officer's optional goals. - by Technature - 05-29-2018, 09:54 PM

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