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New Job: Resident Station Wizard
I thought of this idea from a round I had last night, where there was a wizard that was pretty effectively playing benign or chaotic-neutral wizard. And I thought it would be fun if there was a friendly wizard job who was not an antagonist, just a member of the crew with one or two minor(or weakened) wizard powers. Maybe he'd have a role similar to the Chaplain.

Not all wizards are evil after all, I think there is a wizard merchant who is fine doing business with the station. Maybe the wizard is a dissenter/refugee from the Wizard's Federation or he's a representative sent to live on board to help foster better relations. The antagonist wizard could still be sent, maybe from hard-liners in the Federation, and the Station Wizard could help combat him, or befriend him if he's being nice. 

Years ago when I played before I stopped for a while, I enjoyed playing benign wizard because it is too easy to win if you want to. But playing friendly wizard usually just lead to some narrow-minded or intolerant assistant or security officer knocking me out and beating me to unconsciousness/death assuming that I was evil. Having a wizard on board that people see could be helpful and kind could be good for dispelling some of those prejudices. 

There are already magic objects that can be created as far as I know, and it would be cool if we could see more magic/vs science.

I'll even make it if people don't consider this to be a terrible idea.

Messages In This Thread
New Job: Resident Station Wizard - by kyle2143 - 05-25-2018, 10:34 AM
RE: New Job: Resident Station Wizard - by Eibel - 05-25-2018, 11:19 AM

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