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[Bug] Remove cigarettes from cigarette pack by clicking in-hand
(05-23-2018, 10:52 PM)kyle2143 Wrote: Click a cigarette pack with itself in-hand and you will either get a cigarette in your other hand slot or it will fall on the floor beneath you depending on if the other hand is empty/holding something/or missing. 

Pill bottles do something similar to this where they can drop all the pills at once. I didn't use that functionality because we already have enough people spilling dozens of cigarettes in front of the machine. You'll still have to do it one at a time. 

Now there is no reason not to add a Spacebux thingy that will let you spawn missing an arm.

That's always been the worst part of losing an arm -- having to quit smoking.

The way people (like me) dump all the cigs on the floor is by clicking on the pack with an empty hand, then quickly pressing the drop key. There's no cooldown, so I can drop a whole pack of ProPuffs and sift through them for the good ones in no time.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Bug] Remove cigarettes from cigarette pack by clicking in-hand - by Superlagg - 05-24-2018, 06:21 AM

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