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Major direct ghostize() calls bypass the shield of souls's immortality and soulguard
Anything that directly ejects you to ghost form without first killing you breaks both the shield's immortality buff and a wizard's soulguard spell.

This leads to a lot of inconsistent behavior.

There are too many examples to give an exhaustive list, so I'm just going to highlight some of the most confusing inconsistencies.

  • Anything that calls firegib is typically survivable (except for lava, which specifically sets unkillable to 0)
  • Crematoriums are not survivable.
  • Gibbers are survivable
  • Crushers are survivable
  • Getting gibbed by those weird alien things that measure you is not survivable
  • Loafers are not survivable
  • Being eaten or consumed by anything is not survivable

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direct ghostize() calls bypass the shield of souls's immortality and soulguard - by Noah Buttes - 05-22-2018, 06:27 PM

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