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Project make pathology suck less [New path symptoms, tweaks, nerfs, and rebalances]
(05-14-2018, 09:13 AM)Noah Buttes Wrote: [*]Adds a button to the synth-o-matic that lets you purchase more pathogen samples for 2000 research fund credits. This means you don't have to go all the way out to D.O.C. in the debris field if you happen to be missing some key base symptoms for splicing.

As lame an admission as this is, my fucking up while trying to learn Pathology and losing all the samples with out being able to get more samples easily made the learning process much less enjoyable. I think this is a great change. I think what drWoof is concerned about is other departments using the funds quickly, but thats what stealing all access and uploading a law to transfer all or a percentage of the stations budget to research is for

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RE: Project make pathology suck less [New path symptoms, tweaks, nerfs, and rebalances] - by Recusor - 05-14-2018, 11:20 AM

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