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Project make pathology suck less [New path symptoms, tweaks, nerfs, and rebalances]
This is basically the capstone for the rest of my pathology patches.

What this does:

  1. Removes stuns and stun-like effects from all symptoms of uncommon or lower rarity. This means stacking fifteen diseases with coughing and sneezing won't be a game-breaking strategy anymore.
  2. Removes the 10% chance for your splicing session to horribly fuck up for no reason whatsoever besides simply existing.
  3. Removes the 2% chance for your pathogen to just be completely deleted while adjusting its DNA stats. Note that the 4% chance of mutation still exists, but your pathogen won't simply stop existing.
  4. Adds a button to the synth-o-matic that lets you purchase more pathogen samples for 2000 research fund credits. This means you don't have to go all the way out to D.O.C. in the debris field if you happen to be missing some key base symptoms for splicing.
  5. Adds four new symptoms, three of which involve mutations
  6. The fourth makes you sneeze out projectile bee eggs.
  7. In order to facilitate the mutation based symptoms, I modified the RandomEffect proc to enable the application of chromosomes to randomly generated mutations.



Messages In This Thread
Project make pathology suck less [New path symptoms, tweaks, nerfs, and rebalances] - by Noah Buttes - 05-14-2018, 09:13 AM

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