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Keep merchants at the station, in rotation.
What if we had merchant NPCS on the station? Each department has a merchant especially catered to them. They'd start off meeting together at the bar, then run through a programmed routine where'd they travel through the station, make a few stops, go to the department they trade in, then head back to the bar again.

After that, their stock of goods change, and they resume their pattern again. Sometimes their stops along their route would change, but as long as you knew their routine you'd know roughly where to find them. Maybe you can get better deals by trading with them when they're in certain areas, and worse deals in other places.

If a merchant ever dies, they simply get replaced by a similarly randomly generated merchant that slots into the last's profession.

OH and also there should be some fluff merchants that are randomized each time in addition to the department ones. Like, they pick three from a list each round. Or maybe they swap out each time the cycle meets back up again at the bar. Some fluff merchant types
  • Clown
  • Clothing
  • Food
  • Drinks
  • Drugs
  • Weapons
  • Artifacts
  • Tools
  • Ore
  • Art supplies
  • Gizmos and gadgets
  • Rare items

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RE: Keep merchants at the station, in rotation. - by Frank_Stein - 05-06-2018, 04:42 AM

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