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Idea for how to use blood types
So, you know how everyone has blood types, and it doesn't mean anything? You know how we have blood transfusion possible? 

Well, what if, when you received a blood transfusion, it acted as a cure all for damage types?

There's two ways it could work

  1. Semi-Realistic: Receiving a correct donor to patient combo transfusion results in all damage healing during the transfusion
  2. More gamelike: Each blood type heals a specific type of damage. So if you wanted to heal brute you do AB but if you wanted to heal Oxygen you did O+

    With the second system, maybe picking a certain blood type gives you an overall boost in defense against the damage type it would heal in a transfusion

Another idea for the second system:

- A chem recipe that involves mixing all the blood types together to create some kind of wonder medicine that greatly boosted your health

Messages In This Thread
Idea for how to use blood types - by Frank_Stein - 05-06-2018, 01:48 AM
RE: Idea for how to use blood types - by kyle2143 - 05-06-2018, 11:50 AM
RE: Idea for how to use blood types - by Nnystyxx - 05-06-2018, 01:58 PM

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