04-29-2018, 08:26 AM
I can imagine a couple of limitations
1. Preset tools for arms: The extra arm has limited capabilities, but a wide array of useful tools on hand. Very similar to how we handle borgs arms
2. The extra limb has limited capabilities: An extra arm could be useful for holding an item, but not actively using it. Anything used in an extra robot limb would have a slight delay. This makes the arm still useful certain tasks where time isn't a concern, but has a clear disadvantage in gun fights
3. Decreased stability: Extra limbs could make you a bit clumsy at first. With extra legs you'd be more likely to trip, with extra arms more likely to drop items on disarm, or fumbling things when drunk
1. Preset tools for arms: The extra arm has limited capabilities, but a wide array of useful tools on hand. Very similar to how we handle borgs arms
2. The extra limb has limited capabilities: An extra arm could be useful for holding an item, but not actively using it. Anything used in an extra robot limb would have a slight delay. This makes the arm still useful certain tasks where time isn't a concern, but has a clear disadvantage in gun fights
3. Decreased stability: Extra limbs could make you a bit clumsy at first. With extra legs you'd be more likely to trip, with extra arms more likely to drop items on disarm, or fumbling things when drunk