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Best moments ever thread 2.0
Went further than ever in the Biodome. After hitting the end with nothing to do, I jumped in the lava.

Ilya Migicovsky says, "Rip the hardest, boiled alive"
DEAD: Ghost (Hard Boiled) says, "A good death."
FML states, "Consumed by the lava"
DEAD: Ghost (Hard Boiled) says, "Jumped into lava."

Also, before we went in, I got in a good boxing match. Lost, but did good.

My other favorite line.

Ilya Migicovsky says, "Fascinating.. I could see everything around me when in the portamedbay, holding the helmet cam"
Ilya Migicovsky says, "And maybe while being teleported"
Shitty Bill asks, "You a robot?"
Robotic Talk, Ilya Migicovsky says, "Yes"

Hard "Steel Headed" Boiled out.

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