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tell traitors where to get their gear!
Personally I like the idea of just having it tied to a special radio frequency for any headset because...
  • PDA might get stolen for the ID
  • PDA might get blown up by detomax
  • Radio headsets fairly easy to find
  • Still detectable Sec for evidence gathering
  • Opens up avenues for traitor special chat command. Switch to syndicate channel, talk to other traitors on that channel with special chat command with auto obscured name
So, just have a note that if you switch a headset to such and such frequency, you can use it normally but using a special chat command like :z and saying a codeword opens up your item menu, while also allowing you to chat with other people on the same frequency, but with a generic name so they can't identify you by voice

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RE: tell traitors where to get their gear! - by Frank_Stein - 04-22-2018, 12:43 PM

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