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Deputy! Because too many wussies aren't applying for HoS
Pulled from the recently Necro'd HoS thread, I think it would be fun to have a sec equivalent of an HoP, able to do anything the Captain can but without the same role/status. They would pretty much be in charge of Security if no HoS is on board and would gain Armory access if the confirmed hostiles button has been pushed and would notify the crew over comms that the Armory is open. This prevents sec from having to break in to get their gear and even then not getting much of it. It would also fix the problem of no HoS being around. When a HoS IS around they could be relegated to keeping the department in order, cleaning up messes and making sure everything is in working order. You COULD make it so a certain amount of Security experience is required to use (25 rounds of Sec, 30 hours, etc.)

As suggested a deputy Marshal as a gimmicky job would be a lot of fun, given a revolver box and asked to keep security in gear. 1-3 could be spawned in per round and would act like an actual deputy did in the old west as the HoS's gun buddy group that helps with potentially dangerous situations and would mainly hunt down highly dangerous criminals that would be too dangerous for regular Sec to go after.

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Deputy! Because too many wussies aren't applying for HoS - by Wisecrack34 - 04-17-2018, 07:59 AM

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