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New Chaplain abilities: Sigils and Incantations
(04-14-2018, 04:26 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote: I figure they'd be just as easy to remove as normal crayon writing, but maybe just using an empty hand on them could smudge em enough to break em.

Drawing them on the ground should be simple enough. I figure activating them would be what takes time. If incantations are the way to go, I imagine you would draw the symbol, then say a series of words in sequence near the symbol to activate it.

Sorta like how the wizard casts spells, but you'd manually type each word. Require multiple words, spoken individually, and you've got a nice time cap on using them

+1 to the incantations thing. It, interestingly, forces you to have to speak in order to use this stuff, encouraging the sense of theatrics that goes into a good Chaplain gimmick (and meaning you can't silently murderbone with it!!).

The idea of the Chaplain's mystical powers coming through crayon drawings on the floor and slurred incantations delights me to no end. That, and it being somehow 'real magic' that nobody can explain, unlike the wizards' technology-magic stuff.

Another potential overcomplication: maybe certain sigils require (or optionally can include) a sacrifice to activate, and that sacrifice may or may not affect the result, like sacrificing honey to make bees.

Potential incantations [WIP]:
Summoning: GIFF - MI - BEEZ

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RE: New Chaplain abilities: Runes and Sigils - by Nnystyxx - 04-14-2018, 05:20 PM

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