03-31-2018, 01:10 PM
Okay! Looking through your replies the consensus is: pods are pretty good (an average of ~1.6 out of 4).
Here's a summary of points raised (numbers in brackets = number of people):
+ Good UI (in general)
+ Versatile/multi-purpose
- pods on the shuttle (4)
- OP getaway (2)
- restricted cargo (2)
- few pod counters (2)
- helpless passangers
- scanner ui
- redundant comms
- OP weapons vs. blobs
Thanks for the responses, it clears up a few of my assumptions. Based on what's been said, balancing the current pod system seems a logical first step.
Since the most people mentioned it, perhaps we can discuss pods on the shuttle first?
Personally I find it unfair to players simply because they have limited capacity to deal with pods. Perhaps electrical tools (stun batons/glove, tasers) could cause a 'power surge' which temporarily disables certain systems (probably weapons). Then at least security/engineers can do something about it. I think that would mitigate 3 of the issues people have stated.
Here's a summary of points raised (numbers in brackets = number of people):
+ Good UI (in general)
+ Versatile/multi-purpose
- pods on the shuttle (4)
- OP getaway (2)
- restricted cargo (2)
- few pod counters (2)
- helpless passangers
- scanner ui
- redundant comms
- OP weapons vs. blobs
Thanks for the responses, it clears up a few of my assumptions. Based on what's been said, balancing the current pod system seems a logical first step.
Since the most people mentioned it, perhaps we can discuss pods on the shuttle first?
Personally I find it unfair to players simply because they have limited capacity to deal with pods. Perhaps electrical tools (stun batons/glove, tasers) could cause a 'power surge' which temporarily disables certain systems (probably weapons). Then at least security/engineers can do something about it. I think that would mitigate 3 of the issues people have stated.