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Infernal Contract suggestions hub
Time Travel: Become an mspaint spaceman from old ss13 with bleeping and blooping sound effects whose messages are in binary
You become a permanently brain-damaged lizard with slow interaction times due to walnut sized brain
Disappear entirely because of time paradoxes
Become super old with deafness, impaired vision, and gassiness
Become an entirely different, randomly created character
You reappear holding a sports almanac and a ton of money is in your account

Wizardry: You get a floppy disk labelled "Wizardry" which is too old to be compatible with anything.
You get a cursed teleport scroll that makes you teleport, but your limbs and organs fall out when you try to use it, and cursed bright pink wizard gear.
You become morbidly obese and get a Stations and Syndicate box.
You become a wizard... that can only cast clairvoyance.
You become a wizard... that can only make people high.

Messages In This Thread
Infernal Contract suggestions hub - by MrMagolor - 03-21-2018, 08:27 AM
RE: Infernal Contract suggestions hub - by sartorius - 03-26-2018, 03:12 PM

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