05-27-2013, 09:34 PM
I admit that I haven't been a wizard since like last year so I was unaware they could right click to cast to begin with, although now that I think about it I guess I do remember seeing that spellcasting mode thing in Wizard VR. The thing is, I actually checked when I was examining a paper bin earlier to check its contents, and so far as I could tell it's not possible to put it in your backpack, even via click-dragging. Removing the bin from his shuttle to "balance" the spell would force him to cast it on the station, at which point you're sacrificing safety, a spell slot, time, inventory space, and one casting of the spell, all to cast it once later via the amazing and not at all infuriating mid-battle popup window.The idea is really neat and I like it but there's just too many problems it would cause.
But honestly I'm getting tired of feeling like I'm crapping all over an idea that might be good and I'm just completely overthinking it or something, so I'll stop popping in with these dumb rebuttals now.
But honestly I'm getting tired of feeling like I'm crapping all over an idea that might be good and I'm just completely overthinking it or something, so I'll stop popping in with these dumb rebuttals now.