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make HoS non exclusive to mentors
Honestly I read this as 'make HoS all inclusive'. I'm less negative about it being mentor+.

Still think the thought that it'd revive sec is super silly. Sec didn't die because HoSs stopped playing. Sec isn't revived on fridays. Are mentors held to higher standards to the rest? No, not really. It's just a status you can get if you aren't an asshole for a couple months. The HoS vetting process ensures leaders. This process creates enforcers, or in other words a single TURD.

I wouldn't like the change as I like to think of HoS as mythical beings that can bollywood superhero the station out of dire straights. Still, I won't fuss much. I'll just internally groan like I do when some admin randomnames HoS and gets eaten/slaved in the first 5 minutes.

[I came back to this tab after a gooood while of inactivity. New posts be damned.]

Messages In This Thread
make HoS non exclusive to mentors - by OMJ - 02-14-2018, 08:17 PM
RE: make HoS non exclusive to mentors - by Xeram - 02-16-2018, 12:48 PM
RE: make HoS non exclusive to mentors - by bubs - 02-16-2018, 02:02 PM
RE: make HoS non exclusive to mentors - by Avack - 02-16-2018, 03:18 PM
RE: make HoS non exclusive to mentors - by Vitatroll - 02-16-2018, 03:39 PM
RE: make HoS non exclusive to mentors - by OMJ - 04-16-2018, 08:44 PM
RE: make HoS non exclusive to mentors - by OMJ - 04-15-2019, 07:30 AM
RE: make HoS non exclusive to mentors - by OMJ - 04-16-2019, 04:55 AM
RE: make HoS non exclusive to mentors - by OMJ - 04-16-2019, 10:48 AM

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