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Improving ArtLab
Currently, trying to activate artifacts through the ArtLab and Chemistry is rather finicky. Quite often Artifacts don't activate at all after putting it through everything Research has to offer. One of the reasons is that one form of artifact activation: energy weapons: isn't available in Research, although it used to be on Shroom Station. So here's a suggestion:

Stationary Emitter:

A machine that fires pulses of energy in a fixed direction that acts as taser/laser bolts for purposes of artifact activation. Might come with a pad to put the artifact on and get readings: perhaps could share the Impact Pad (renamed to something else) with the Pitcher. May or may not be repurposable for less benign uses.

The other thing I've noticed, which may or may not be just my own incompetency, is that even when the readings seem to indicate that the artifact is reacting to whatever the machine is doing, it won't activate no matter how I poke the settings. Yes, I know that reacting to radiation could mean radiation or energy weapons, I'm thinking of things like the Pitcher/Impact Pad and the Electrobox. If this is simply a Learn2ArtLab issue, perhaps there could be a small manual explaining the basics of ArtLab use to dummies like me.

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