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Major LLJK1 still not loading from the byond page or the Goonhub links (Has workarounds)
Just wanted to bring the topic to the surface again due to the time since it first started. Labeled Major because it blocks half of our servers but has a workaround

I wouldn't really be bothered other than the fact that A. Its been a while and B. I lost the workaround link, can someone post it below?

The workaround is opening it via the Byond "Open..." button but you need a link for it to work. You can also join via round end messages on LLJK2 (So once every never).

Found the key, just click Open... and enter this into the top box:

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LLJK1 still not loading from the byond page or the Goonhub links (Has workarounds) - by Wisecrack34 - 02-01-2018, 01:39 PM

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