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Get Dat Fukkin Disk 2 : The second one
You feel weird, like an important piece of you is missing...?  You're not sure how to describe it.
You decide to go to mining and recharge in an attempt to restore your ability to know what to do.  You attempt to fix the problem.
ERROR try again?
This is dumb.  Why isn't this working?  It alwAYS WORKED BEFORE!
This is incredibly awkward.

KRAKEN (6) vs. Jerk-Op #5 (SPIDERS!  IN MY BLOOD!  (6), Arachnophobia (1, Automatic Failure))
You don't think the other nuclear operative is in the area.
Fuck it.  There's few things more fun than stabbing a helpless man to death.
The red suit's more red than usual.
He also won't stop screaming.  Which is pretty normal when you stab things.

Beelzebub (2) 
You mash some bananas all over the handcuffs and run to the bar, attempting to get the monkey to eat the handcuffs off.

Jhon Warcleans (6) vs. Jerk-op #4 (6) 
You get behind a table in anticipation of the Nuclear Operative returning and get a spider grenade ready.  Shortly afterwards, the Nuke Op. comes back...dragging a gas canister?
Both of you notice each other and take cover nearby.
This is practically a Mexican standoff.  And if SOMEONE DIDN'T RANDOMLY SCREAM FOR NO REASON, you'd probably have the element of surprise and numbers against him, but oh well.
Maybe he won't notice the mousetraps you set.

Irene Minicine (6)
You head to the door leading into the gas testing lab, taking cover nearby.  Shortly after, the janitor gets behind a table, using it for cover.  You take the opportunity of the quiet moment to apply some styptic powder to yourself.  After screaming, you check the experimental grenade box.
Man, when they said they had the good shit, they meant it.  (All 7 grenades are your choice.)

The GameMaster (N/A)
"All right.  Which one of you shits slipped in the trick die?"
The GM shows off the die he was rolling, which is 50% filled with 6's.  He somehow didn't notice this until now...?
"This is why I never play shit with you assholes anymore.  Cause you pull garbage like this and think it's fucking hilarious."
"It's not that big a deal.  I don't see why you're taking this so seriously." chimed in another player.
"You would say that, you keep getting 5's and 6's for stupid actions" another said.  "When are you actually gonna do something that contributes to the game, by the way?"
"When somebody admits I do a good impersonation."
"At least you CAN do something.  What kind of bullshit is this arachnophobia?
"For the last time, put the god damn bike horn away!"
"Guys, let's not fight over this again.  We promised we would have fun today."
Silence takes over the room.  The GM speaks up.
"All right, fine.  We'll keep going.  But I swear to god, if anyone pulls anymore shit, we're done."  He takes a deep breath.  "So what is everyone planning to do next?"

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RE: Get Dat Fukkin Disk 2 : The second one - by Technature - 01-18-2018, 10:49 PM

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