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Get Dat Fukkin Disk 2 : The second one
BEEP-BOOP (Cyborg)

While silicon laws do not contain a clause regarding the lives of the station's critter-inhabitants, this is because one is not needed; these creatures are nothing but playful innocence embodied, and as such we need no override to prevent us from harming them. The Syndicate done fucked up.

  • With saline-glucose pills scattered around the morgue - I'm no medical cyborg, what do you want from me? - I turn on the security drone I'd made earlier from a distance. I also summon Beepsky himself via my PDA, for good measure.
  • Head up through maintenance into the main hall, head west into research, then head down into chemistry. Boy, I love my new treads. Why aren't these things standard issue?
  • Current reagent container status:
    • beaker 1: heated fluorosulfuric acid (full)
    • beaker 2: smoke powder (full)
    • beaker 3: empty
    • drinking glass: empty
  • Changes with some nice and quick chem recipes; not needing welding fuel for these is just swell:
    • beaker 3: fluorosurfactant (45u) + space lube (5u)
    • drinking glass: water (50u)

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RE: Get Dat Fukkin Disk 2 : The second one - by Mordent - 01-16-2018, 05:14 AM

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