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Get Dat Fukkin Disk 2 : The second one
Jack Jackson (5) and Beelzebub (6) vs. Jerk-Ops #4 (5)
"Wait!  Don't shoot!" the...clown?  Shouts as the door opens.  He raises his hands before saying "I'm the captain, and I'm here to negotiate!"
You're pretty sure the station isn't taking your threat very seriously.
Fuck it.
"All right.  Fine.  Tell you what.  You get me the authentication disk.  Otherwise..."
You aim right behind him and shoot at the chief engineer.  However, he closes the door before you even fire your gun.
"That and your brain are gonna start becoming...close friends.  If you get my drift."
Even though it didn't hit anything, you're pretty sure that was totally badass.

Irene Minicine (5):
"The good shit?  Uh, yeah.  I think I can find something in here...hold on..."
You get a suspicious looking crate labelled "The good shit".  Inside this crate appears to be an experimental grenade kit, some medical supplies, and a Double barrel shotgun with enough ammo for 5 rounds.
That can't possibly be legal.
The left behind weapons crate contains two phasers.
The captain tells you that it would probably be a good idea to keep ordering weapons if the budget allows it, but to help out when you can.
So do whatever I guess?

KRAKEN (1) vs. BEEP-BOOP (3)
What does the law mean exactly?

It does seem open to a lot of interpretation.  You say that it's most likely involving the threatening red suited gentlemen currently in medbay.  When asked why you think this, the only answer you can give is "Well, isn't it obvious?", which is probably not the best answer.
BEEP-BOOP reasons that it is entirely possible that there may be something else on the station that only security knows about, and that the reason they haven't said anything is they don't wish to alarm the civilians.  Considering who the civilians are, this seems like faulty logic.  It's still better than the reason you have though.

It is ultimately up to you how all silicons interpret the law in the end, though BEEP-BOOP's reasoning seems significantly less flawed than yours.  Not to mention that misinterpreting the law could mean being terminated.  Which would suck.

Jhon Warcleans (5)
You take out your trusty rusty tools and get to work on the toxins door.
After a few attempts, you make your way in and start making Spider Smoke grenades.........somehow.
Depowering, turning ID checking on/off, and bolting/unbolting doors is now an effortless action to you.

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RE: Get Dat Fukkin Disk 2 : The second one - by Technature - 01-14-2018, 11:02 PM

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