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Get Dat Fukkin Disk 2 : The second one
(01-01-2018, 07:40 PM)Mordent Wrote: Stationeer, cyborg (even though you didn't list that as an available one, you fuck), named BEEP-BOOP.

(01-01-2018, 01:50 AM)Technature Wrote: The other 10% is I'm shit at running games and I'm sorry OKAY!?!

Let's get this one out of the way while we're at it.

Cyborgs actions drain their power.  Cyborgs power usage typically = 2% +1% for each upgrade active +2% For active upgrade use (A shield being on will take up energy, but not as much as if it's also taking damage).  Cyborgs can also perform more tasks than humans, but will use up 1% more energy in the process should they decide to.  You'll get a warning if it hits 10%.  If it hits 0%, you can only move from point A to point B and recharge.  These normally effortless tasks will also require rolls at 0%.  Finally, these estimates assume the cyborg has a 15K battery.  Starter batteries % usage are doubled, while artifact batteries effectively mean nothing in terms of power usage outside of building projects.

Also shit I didn't cover this before now cause I keep forgetting.  Attempts to do actions that would violate a law are automatic failures, while attempts to follow a law is rolled as normal, but is more likely to succeed.

Okay, we good?  We good.


Welcome to station "Cog 1".
Today's tip of the day: A player named Adolf Hitler is A-helpable.



You are the AI.  Your programming is feared across the galaxy for various reasons your memory banks don't know quite yet.  Perhaps you will find out why today?

It seems one of the cyborgs wants you to help them with something...
"Hello AI, standing by for instructions. I require your assistance in upgrading my cell, please use one of your shells to do so at your earliest convenience."

What do?

Beelzebub (Curse of the clown (even effortless actions require rolls), 1)
You attempt to make your way to the bar, but trip over your shoes.  Even worse, your banana pointed in a very weird direction.  In ways that cannot be described, you somehow poked your eye out.  Miraculously, you only feel immense pain, but can still see through it.

The typical start to the clown's typical day.

Jack Jackson (5)
You get out of your office and fix together the best mixture you can think of to power the engine.
With this hellburn, you estimate that the station will receive power for at least 40 minutes, assuming no one does anything to the engine.

Manne Love (N/A)
You go around your church and pick up the various items sitting around.  Now you're ready to stop wizards or assist someone in a quick, painless, messy suicide.  Hooray!

Drake Fisher (1)
You decide to solve telescience.
All the keys on the keyboard look super important.
You push the shiny red button.
The telescience pad seems kind of broken.  Nice going.

Jhon Warcleans (2)
You grab your things from your room to help with cleaning.  You also go for welding fuel, but it seems someone got to it first.
Wait, how is that even possible?
Either way, you're ready to drive this thing.

asdfasdads Byron smoil (4)
You head to the gym and work out.  You feel a little stronger.

Jerkop Master Tech Operative #4 (1)
You grab a Donk, the command armor, and order a pack of cigarettes from your special syndicate Cigarette machine.  You quickly check through the cigarettes to see the chemicals.
You think you got sent the wrong Cigarette machine.
Completely ordinary pack of cigarettes get!

You get the nearby fabricator to start producing various items.  The fabricator pops out a propulsion upgrade.  Based on its work load, you estimate the following.
-The Standard Cyborg Module will be done in two minutes.
-The Standard Cyborg Module will be done in four minutes.
-The Standard Cyborg Module will be done in six minutes.

You load the nearest battery into the charger and hop into it.  All of this is a lot of effort.  However, you went into a charger so who cares?

You let the AI know that you need its assistance and are requesting orders.


These will probably update once a day from now on because work.

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RE: Get Dat Fukkin Disk 2 : The second one - by Technature - 01-01-2018, 11:42 PM

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