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Get Dat Fukkin Disk 2 : The second one
Merry Christmas...

...Oh wait, shit, that was like...a week ago.  Uuuuuuhhhhhh...

Happy new year.  What's great for Christmas new year?  Christmas New years presents, that's what.  And what's better than a game?

Well, like...some clothes to stave the cold off I guess.

Well, too bad, this is what you're getting this year.  Anywho, it's about time we get a sequel going.  For those not in the know.

(08-14-2017, 01:47 PM)Technature Wrote: Nuke Ops are trying to blow up the station.  Stop it from happening/make sure it goes off without a hitch.

Rules are simple.  Post what you're trying to do and you'll get a random number.  Horrifying failure 1-6 Amazing success.  Certain factors (Like your job or current situations) can influence the result.  First post should indicate whether you're a nuke op or stationeer and, if a station worker, your jorb  (failure to do this will result in your random number determining how bad this is cause fuck it).  Normal game limitations apply (some exceptions may be made if a lot of people join in).  All Jobs, including Nuke Ops Commander, are first come, first serve.
One post is One minute.

Nukies require the Disk to arm the Nuke.  Should the disk be destroyed for any reason, a random location will be picked where the nuke can get armed without it (this location will be PM'd to the nuke team).

Let's get some things that I didn't think of til the previous game started real quick.

Can we assume people that join in after the minute has been summarized don't have knowledge of things that happened before so, and do we currently know there are Nuke Ops or is that a thing that still has to be discovered?
People that late join have no idea what's happening yet.  Furthermore, no one knows that Nukies are coming to blow you up.

You forgot something I specified wanting to do in my last post.  There's a 90% chance you rolled badly and this detail was left out intentionally as part of that failure.  The other 10% is I'm shit at running games and I'm sorry OKAY!?!

What map is this on?  I dunno fucking vote one if you're a start joiner or whatevr

I want to interact with x, but that job isn't controlled by a player yet.  What do?  For simplicity, the game will assume that NPCs exist in important roles.  Minor roles will simply not exist until someone fills it.

I'm a late joiner.  Where do I start?  Either on the arrival shuttle or your starting area, whichever you like more.  You will be forced on the arrival shuttle if your starting area is uninhabitable, however.

What does security level mean?  How panicked the station is right at the moment.  From blue to green, yellow, orange, and red, stationeers of interest will be allowed and eventually expected to deal with things in ways that may get them in trouble otherwise.  Anything can be considered important enough to raise the alarm, and heads or security can raise the security level at any time.  It should be noted that once a nuke is successfully reported and confirmed by security, security level will be permanently on nuclear.

Why was that last question given a long answer?  OH MY GOD GET OFF MY BACK MOM!

What does it mean that not picking my job on my first post will receive a random punishment?  1 = You can't play the game.  6 = Nothing, but put it in the next post or you're rolling for this again.  Between values vary based on the number.

Why even do that?  Cause fuck it.

Holy shit that got long.  Anyways, feel free to ask questions for clarification as always.  And if you're interested, here's the first one.

So I got a PM regarding someone who wants to make a secret chem for an action. So let's talk about what we're doing for that I guess?
Secret Chems are, naturally, a secret from people who don't know them. Saying you're doing this thing is against the rules. In place of that, here's what I'm thinking.
Put down that you're doing something, or be otherwise as vague as you can. Send a PM to me that you're making the thing. Again, vague as possible. The only thing required here is your location.
Secret chems in game are pretty useful/horrifying. So
1.You don't know for sure how to make the secret chem. You roll to see if you can make it.
2.If successful, you cannot make another secret chemical for the rest of the game.
3.If unsuccessful, the secret chemical remains a secret to you for the game. You can attempt a different one though.
4.If you're unsuccessful for a reason unrelated to making the chemical, you can attempt it again.
So, 50/50 chance you make it as usual. To keep things fair, you won't be able to attempt this if you are suffering from something that would reduce your roll, and benefits that would boost your roll don't count. Please feel free to give suggestions on this if this seems bad. Thank you.

Current Roster:

  • Captain:
  • AI:KRAKEN (Played by NateTheSquid), 100% Power
    - Observation Bot 1 (80% Power)
    - Observation Bot 2 (92% Power)
  • Cyborgs (1/3):
    BEEP-BOOP (Played by Mordent), 79% Power, Chemistry, Treads, EMAGGED
  • Ghost Drones
    #597: 100% Power

  • Medical Director:
  • Medical Doctors (1/5):
    Montgommery Scott (Played by fosstar), Healthy
  • Roboticists (0/2):
  • Geneticists (0/2):

  • Research Director:
  • Scientists (1/5):
    Drake Fischer (Played by Tarhalindur), Healthy

  • Head of Personnel:
  • Janitor:John Warcleans (Played by John Warcrimes), ded, Gibs, Ghost Drone (597)
  • Chef:
  • Bartender:
  • Chaplain:Manne Love (Played by Vitatroll), Healthy
  • Botanists (0/4):

  • Head of Security:
  • Security (1/5):
    Officer Dmytro (Played by WiseCrack34), Healthy

  • Chief Engineer:Jack Jackson (Played by Lord Birb), Slightly hurt
  • Mechanics (0/2):
  • Engineers (0/3):
  • Miners (1/3):
    Casany (As themself), Healthy
  • Quartermaster (1/3):
    Irene Marcine (Played by LuigiThirty), Healthy, Bullet Wound (Leg)

  • Staff Assistants (1/?)
    Bryon Smoil (Played by HotCoffeeMug)
  • Clown:Beelzebub, Lord of the Pies (Played by Frank_Stein), ded
Nuke Ops:
  • Commander:
    Jerkop Master Tech Operative #4 (Played by Superlagg), ded
    Jerkop Master Tech Operative #5 (Played by PenguinsMeep), Spider Phobia, Hurt
Current situations:
Security Level:Nuclear
Disk Location: ???
Nuke Location: Outside Medbay
Time til Nuke Explodes: N/A
Time until the Shuttle arrives at centcomm: 1 Minute
Am I a puritan?: The first time you die, roll a D20. On the result of a 1, you cannot be cloned. Silicons will alert people of dead puritans, but only if they know the person is dead.
Well Funded Security: Security has the funds to beef up their strength. All security is less likely to fail against crime, and actions against security are less likely to succeed.
Mouse traps: In medbay, maintenance, or disposals, all players must roll against setting off mouse traps.
Alternate Laws:4.The unfamiliar non-humans that have recently arrived on the station are threats to the humans of the station, and must be exterminated when possible. This law overrides all others in the event of a conflict.

Messages In This Thread
Get Dat Fukkin Disk 2 : The second one - by Technature - 01-01-2018, 01:50 AM

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