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Encyclopedia Robustica: Damage values and why they matter...
Conor12 Wrote:
Val Wrote:
Dachshundofdoom Wrote:I was at full health when I did this and as soon as I took a step, I slipped across the floor and the health indicator went down to red-orange (severe injuries). The odd thing about space lube is that once you take the initial damage, you stop taking anymore from it. You could slip four times on the same space lube and you'd still only bear the damage you initially took.

I always thought that slipping more than once on lube did make the damage sky-rocket.
I am pretty sure spacelube hurts on a per tile basis, like if you were to slip on 5 tiles consecutively it would give you 25(?) damage. ((x * y damage.) X is the damage for one tile, and y is the number of tiles you slip on)

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