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Mining is dead, but it can be revived!
(12-26-2017, 02:11 PM)Vitatroll Wrote: Haprenti: Are there interdependencies that would actually work on goon? Ones that wouldn't result in interdepartmental bitching about [x] department not [being staffed at all] doing their job? You're right that it'd require another thread. If you're that interested you could dig up one of the many threads on it or make a new one.

Actually I was trying to say it's hard to separate the two issues as they're linked.
You might need interdependencides to help revive mining, so you can't just toss this potential part of the solution out of the thread. And in another thread for interdependencies, the thread would pertain to a broader range of departments, while keeping off-topic the question of one department's well being, and the question about how mining could be revived would be off-topic.

As for actual interdependencies between mining and other departments, I guess it would be for stuff that's either :

  1. Convenient upgrades to existing things. Not too convenient. Enough that you'd care enough to ask miners for the materials for something you want. But just enough so that you're not getting too reliant on it. It's a bonus. Something you don't go too far off your way to get, if you can get it.
  2. New things. Could be convenient for the crew, could be useless but fun, could useless but annoying, could be convenient for a traitor. I'm thinking about the kind of stuff you get in the locked crates. I guess that's a thing that could do well with the way R&D is handheld on other servers, and can make use of the materials. If you add more special properties to the materials (The special property doesn't even need to be of any use aside from being used in a recipe) you get to make use of all the materials.

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RE: Mining is dead, but it can be revived! - by Haprenti - 12-26-2017, 04:33 PM

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