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Mining is dead, but it can be revived!
(12-25-2017, 04:41 AM)Vitatroll Wrote: I feel mining mainly suffers from jonesesism and rose-tinted nostalgia. Every proposed major change to mining feels like someone wants to make a whole new game-mode out of it. This includes me, btw.

For our station, where department interdependencies are practically [gratefully] non-existent, the key to more fulfilling mining [without an asston of code] will probably lie in tweaking equipment progression, loot acquisition, and/or material science.

As an aside, I'll never like any job having a whole z level designed for them.

The idea of bringing back the mining Z level has multiple benefits (Which I went over in the original post) First and foremost it will give us more area to space explore, to add new hazards too and more potential area to fill with all sorts of neat things, like a syndicate drone production facility. Next thing is that we can break up all the POIs fro mthe debris zone and split them between Debris and the mining Z (Asteroid field) since the debris field is absolutely cluttered with just way too much stuff as it is right now. It gives mining more to do and more area to do it in that makes the job more interesting and exciting. It makes the Mineral Magnet more interesting and an reward to streamline your mining output.

There was a few other points I had to why having another space Z level is a good idea but im too tired and I need to sleep for work today (Yes on christmas) to remember my points right now.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Mining is dead, but it can be revived! - by Silvercloud29 - 12-25-2017, 07:13 AM

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