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[ANTAGONIST] Make Krampus 3 Unpoppable!
Haven't been playing much, but making krampus poppable (which i'm assuming is killing it?) is terrible and comes across as really tone-deaf.

He's an antagonist. It's whole "being an immovable object" is literally his only power.

If you're trapped in a room because krampus is blocking the way well guess what? That's a player behind that sack of squirming shit, they are literally doing the one purpose Krampus was meant to be: An annoying sack of squirming shit. If you're annoyed about that, I question your ability to deal with scenarios within the game because I can think of 1001 more annoying things players can do even as non-antagonist.

Although I will say that the design of Krampus seems to purely being an annoying fuck, I do question it's ability to murder. It should be ambivalent to life around it, it shouldn't be actively murdering. Blocking a door to the med supplies yes. Blocking the door to the escape shuttle, yes. But also blocking antaognists to get their sweet final deathblow.

The examples that MBC gave seem to point that there's an issue with krampus when it comes to murder. Pushing/pulling and boarding pods seems to be a key issue here. The tight hallway again I reiterate is literally his purpose. Also if I recall last time I noticed people could use the Stand/duck under flap trick to bypass Krampus. This is also stupid. To add, cornering players and stripping them is never not hilarious.

EDIT: Admittedly this seems to be quite divisive. I'd say put it to a vote.

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RE: [UNPOPULAR OPINION] Make Krampus 3 Unpoppable! - by Sundance - 12-22-2017, 05:04 AM

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