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Forensic Scanning Boxes / Containers
I don't want to post this in suggestions / bug reports unless I'm stupid and there is a way to do it. 

However for as long as I can remember when you try to scan a box or any kind of container with a free slot as a detective or security officer you end up putting the forensic scanner inside the box / container without scanning it. 

The only way I know of to get around it is to find lots of small things and fill the box up, then scan it. 

Is there a way to scan an empty box (say an AP ammo box) without shoving my forensic scanner inside or filling it up with paper first?

and if not why hasn't this been addressed years ago ? :P

Just give us a right click scan option (for everything) please smile

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Forensic Scanning Boxes / Containers - by TheOnlyRyan - 12-17-2017, 06:18 AM

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