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Current Rules

I. The Admin
1. The position of the admin is held by Tarhalindur.
2. The admin is responsible for maintaining and publishing: a history of player submissions and their moves; the status of the board and the dice; and the ruleset and its consequences.
3. The admin owns and rolls two fair six-sided dice.
4. The admin may edit player submissions to make them suitable for publishing as long as their meaning is preserved. This may include adding formatting and correcting typos.
5. The decision of the admin is final.
II. Players
1. Anyone may join the game and become a player by posting in this thread.
2. Players of the game may be PMed at any time by the admin.
3. The admin is not considered to be a player.
III. Ending The Game
1. The game will end immediately (and perhaps drastically) should the admin ever receive threats from Goonstation.
IV. The Board
1. The game shall include a collection of numbered, ordered squares known as the board.
2. Each player occupies exactly one square. There is no limit to the number of players that can occupy one square.
3. Players will be moved from one square to another during the game. A move from one square to the next sequential square shall be known as "advancing"; all other moves are "jumps".
V. Turns
1. When a player takes a turn, the admin rolls two dice for them and advances them once for each pip shown on the dice.
2. If the dice show doubles, the player earns another turn to be taken immediately.
VI. Square One
1. The first square shall be known as Square One.
2. All new players begin the game on Square One.
3. If a player on the last space is required to advance, that player immediately moves to Square One. That move is still considered an advance.
VII. Proposals
1. Players may propose to add new rules or change the existing rules of the game by posting it in the thread, indicating that it is a proposal.
2. If a player submits a proposal while another of their proposals is still undecided, the later proposal wholly replaces the earlier one.
3. All proposals may be voted on by players. A majority passes the proposal. Ties count as a refusal.
4. When a player's proposal is passed or rejected, that player will take a turn.
5. The admin may vote if this would change the outcome.

Proposals: None (yet).

Player status:
CyberTripping (Square One)

Board status:
Square One (CyberTripping)

Messages In This Thread
Nomopoly - by Tarhalindur - 12-10-2017, 08:22 AM
RE: Nomopoly - by cyberTripping - 12-10-2017, 08:55 AM
RE: Nomopoly - by ZeWaka - 12-10-2017, 01:24 PM
RE: Nomopoly - by warcrimes - 12-10-2017, 01:39 PM
RE: Nomopoly - by Tarhalindur - 12-10-2017, 03:16 PM
RE: Nomopoly - by awfulworldkid - 12-13-2017, 11:24 AM
RE: Nomopoly - by Xeram - 12-13-2017, 07:19 PM
RE: Nomopoly - by LuigiThirty - 12-13-2017, 11:30 PM
RE: Nomopoly - by NateTheSquid - 12-14-2017, 12:08 AM
RE: Nomopoly - by cyberTripping - 12-14-2017, 04:41 AM
RE: Nomopoly - by ZeWaka - 12-14-2017, 08:35 AM
RE: Nomopoly - by awfulworldkid - 12-14-2017, 08:43 AM
RE: Nomopoly - by cyberTripping - 12-14-2017, 09:34 AM

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