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Airy alternatives to a pressurized environment.
Inspired by

Currently it seems hyper-filled Emerg. Oxy Tanks fill a niche bandaid role of
a) Allowing you to, uh, breathe for the latter 75% of a round .
b) Not being knocked out of your hand by literally everything and it's grandmother, including space itself.
c) Not entirely depriving you of a backpack as you try to repair the gaping, bleeding hole in the station.

Now i'd say that's a fairly important niche, and it's a darned shame there's no balanced way to get around that without essentially exploiting an oversight in the Emerg tank that should rightly be patched. Therefore I suggest a few new possible stuffs to make it almost look like these spessmen were expecting to be in space. 

1 - The Emergency Rebreather: 
Pocket-sized implement that hooks up to standard internals, and while active ( And while it's power cell is charged ) trickles juuuust enough oxygen to keep you functional. Somewhat less versatile than an overfilled E-Tank, vulnerable to EMP, and maybe you can Emag it to dispense N20?? 

2 - The Handy Dandy SCUBA Rucksack: 
An alternate version of the backpack with only 5 standard slots, but also holds a standard-sized Air Tank (Or Oxygen Tank) Somewhat heavier than a standard back-mounted implement, so it has an ever so slight slowdown, so it's not just strictly better than a back-mounted tank. 

3 - Hey i'm not sure if this works but has anyone tried to sew a full-size Oxy Tank into someone's chest? Can you hook up to that? That's fucked up. 

4 - Re-Pressuriser Bomb: 
A single-use High-Cap pressure tank that can be released once to instantly re-set pressure in a closed room to whatever the map specified, provided it's actually sealed. Not recommended to vent all the halls into each other to abuse it, 'cause it'll blow all the limbs off anyone caught in the re-pressurization zone when the timer hits 0. Chief-Engineer card locked. I don't know if this is even codable but hey I can dream. 

5 - fart atmos so staff assistants can repressurise the station F F F F F F F F F F F 

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Airy alternatives to a pressurized environment. - by warcrimes - 12-05-2017, 10:55 AM

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