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Cirr's Terrible Idea Feedback Type Thread Place Event Kiosk [GONE WRONG]
Things related to Critters:
- I'd like more critter variety.
- Cockroaches can hear & understand people on the radio if they have a turned-on headset but won't be heard/understood when they speak over it. Not sure about mice.
- Perhaps some more hard-set rules (a popup like soulsteel) would help manage poor behavior; put in some 'do', some 'please don't', and some 'FUCKING DO NOT' such as attempting to kill players. Could also throttle their murder capacity with cooldowns?
- In response to Sundance: Lowering critter health would be suicidal. One good smack can already take cockroaches to like, orange-red health, and if you do die the respawn timer for another critter is -massive-.
- I think a critter-drone-ghost hivemind chat of some sort would be nice, maybe one you can turn off if you want peace and quiet. I don't like forcing players not to be able to communicate because of after-death decisions, especially when you can't respawn by pretty much any means (maybe droning) after critter-death. I like players being able to tell each other cool shit is happening. On the flip side: Ghosts should not be able to make people interfere with rounds, since ghost rones can't.

Things related to Flockmind:
- I REALLY like the concept of this. The idea of the station being eaten, and its crew melted down into resources, just to transmit a self-propagating signal for this bizarre entity to keep existing is uniquely terrifying.
- The reliance on structures seems a bit unfair for the flock, but then that's without considering the other ways the flockmind will be able to defend itself and, most critically, kill threats by caging them.
- When I played, the text distortion was so heavy as to be nigh impossible to understand anything the crew said. If it is that bad for cyborgs listening to the 'mind, or for the 'mind listening to the crew, or the crew listening to the 'mind over a hijacked intercom, those abilities would be completely pointless.
- Apparently the Flockmind itself has to designate tiles for the NPC drones, which explains why they were so damn useless when I went off from the group and made some eggs.
- Drones can repair each other. Good! Drones have to individually examine each other to see their status. Bad. There's no obvious delineation between player and NPC drones, their names are randomized, and they don't have talking icons (I think). Worse. Someone bombed a bar full of drones and I was absolutely incapable of figuring out which ones to heal or how much health they had. They need some sort of GUI in my opinion, like health scanners, or at least visible sprite damage.

- Pertinently: how the heck do you prevent your relays from getting immediately busted when they broadcast their location (by scrambling other broadcasts)? The barriers are weak; I guess you'd mark enemies that get near them so the drones would bumrush them.

EDIT: Some other feedback:
- I like the ghost notifications and would love to see them broadened further. They're a really neat feature.
- If Flockdrones can talk during solar flares, that turns solar flares from an annoyance into a threat. Interesting.

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RE: Cirr's Terrible Idea Feedback Type Thread Place Event Kiosk [GONE WRONG] - by Nnystyxx - 11-30-2017, 06:51 PM

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