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Cirr's Terrible Idea Feedback Type Thread Place Event Kiosk [GONE WRONG]
Ghost Notifications sound dope. The critters thing I don't really like as it will just cheapen death even more but I concede that I am heavily outweighed on that aspect based on past conversations I've had with the community on that subject.

I don't know why you even told us about the new antag mode if you won't give details for us to give feedback on.

This is a really nice thing you've done though and I'm really happy at least one coder is trying this out for once. Thank you so much for asking for feedback before placing things in the game. It means so much to me and hopefully to others as well.

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RE: Cirr's Terrible Idea Feedback Type Thread Place Event Kiosk [GONE WRONG] - by Ed Venture - 11-29-2017, 09:27 PM

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