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Cigarette burns
The other day I tried to attack someone with a lit cigarette in my hand and it did nothing at all. I was pretty disappointed with this, especially after "lighting a cigarette with a burning corpse/your own burning body/the Singularity" got implemented with custom messages a while back, and so suggest the following:

Clicking somebody with a lit cigarette does some piddly amount (~3-5?) of burn damage, turns the cigarette into a cigarette butt in the hand, and gives a message depending on the target. Examples:

Ensign Daeren puts his cigarette out on Weedswag Yologoku's [chest/left arm/etc]. What an asshole!

Ensign Daeren puts his cigarette out in Weedswag Yologoku's eye!! Jesus Christ!!
Weedswag Yologoku screams!

Ensign Daeren puts his cigarette out on his [chest/left arm/etc]. So edgy.

Ensign Daeren puts his cigarette out on his own eye!! Why would you do that!?
Ensign Daeren screams!

Burning someone's eye with a cigarette might temporarily knock them down, like the duration of being pushed down, to give people ghetto packs of crappy, one-use flashes or guaranteed disarms. Any sort of eye equipment would prevent this. If that's too strong, maybe make it deal slightly more damage instead, or temporarily screw with vision like getting drunk/stoned does. Cigarette machines might actually get used if this was the case, so you can be a petty asshole to someone as an assistant, get all Third Degree as a detective interrogating someone, or try to even the odds of an emergency ambush.

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