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Stuff you like/dislike from other servers
Yeah the guns are the big factor for me, /tg/ is pretty good on those terms.

Their guns seem to behave like guns kind of should. A shotgun actually behaves like a shotgun. In comparison our shotguns shoot a a single bullet like literally every other rifle does. It's underwhelming. Don't even get me started on the riot shotguns.

The problem I have with /tg/ is balance. There isn't much of a movement towards balancing things, that's something I feel goon does well.

Edit: Also use for food. They have a need for food, which isn't as terrible as we seem to babble about anytime it's brought up. But lo' and behold when there's a use for food, you actually see the chef + botanist roles filled because they're actually necessary. Now compare our roles. See the problem?

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RE: Stuff you like/dislike from other servers - by Sundance - 11-22-2017, 12:26 PM

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