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wiz corruption
corruption is optional for wizards, here's an idea to make it useful and fun

A corrupted area fucks up all technology in it.
  • Tasers, phasers, etc. won't fire if the user is standing inside corruption
  • Computers & machinery (like the QM Comp or fabricators) won't work if the area is corrupted, just as if there was no power
  • Securitrons/buddies won't go into a corrupted area
  • Cyborgs lose power at a massive rate if they're moving/standing in a corrupted area
  • AI/Cyborgs can't interact with doors or other stuff in a corrupted area
  • Machinetalk doesn't work in corruption
  • Thermals don't work

elements I'm iffy about
  • screws up AI cameras-- the poor AI's field of view is pretty limited already frown
  • shuts off headsets, shuts off lights-- seems like it would be as detrimental to the wiz as anyone else

anyway the idea is that corrupted areas give the wizard safe zones of sorts. if they manage to corrupt a lot of the station then they have pretty much free reign against everything except the standard grayshirt fire extinguisher mob. also maybe it'll cut down on wizards running around with laser guns/subverting the AI (PLEASE RESPECT CANON)-- but at the same time also offer a good response against the chaplain who has an all-access ID and a million laser guns. either keep him busy decorrupting important areas or lure him into a corrupted area and bonk him on the head

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