11-12-2017, 12:29 PM
As far as I am aware, the hop and captain are the only roles capable of being antagonists with no job-specific traitor items. This thread aims to fix that.
This is mostly just so random people can throw ideas around, but I have some ideas of my own.
Captain-Specific: Glove Gun. Ever watched Inglorious Bastards? Remember that scene with the gun glove? That gun was a real thing issued to navy captains, with the intention being that if their ship was boarded, they could put on the glove, fake surrender, then when the enemy officer approached, they could punch them in the face(hence why this is a captain-specific item). In-game, it would basically be an alternate the the derringer, being more difficult to conceal and only having one shot compared to two, but being able to be used faster thanks to not needing to be drawn. It would be able to be attached to any pair of gloves, appearing as a few dark pixels on whatever glove you put it on, and would go off when you hit someone with harm intent empty-handed, dealing the same damage as a derringer.
Hop-Specific: Bioterror sponge capsules. Like the biotoys capsules you can get from QM right now, but instead of spawning harmless critters, it spawns horrible monsters like wendingos, yetis, and space bears.
This is mostly just so random people can throw ideas around, but I have some ideas of my own.
Captain-Specific: Glove Gun. Ever watched Inglorious Bastards? Remember that scene with the gun glove? That gun was a real thing issued to navy captains, with the intention being that if their ship was boarded, they could put on the glove, fake surrender, then when the enemy officer approached, they could punch them in the face(hence why this is a captain-specific item). In-game, it would basically be an alternate the the derringer, being more difficult to conceal and only having one shot compared to two, but being able to be used faster thanks to not needing to be drawn. It would be able to be attached to any pair of gloves, appearing as a few dark pixels on whatever glove you put it on, and would go off when you hit someone with harm intent empty-handed, dealing the same damage as a derringer.
Hop-Specific: Bioterror sponge capsules. Like the biotoys capsules you can get from QM right now, but instead of spawning harmless critters, it spawns horrible monsters like wendingos, yetis, and space bears.