11-11-2017, 10:26 PM
We just had a mixed round that had a traitor, a vampire, a spy, and a changeling at roundstart, as well as a random event blob later on. I was the changeling, and after eating two suiciders and one braindead, I went into genetics when it was open and gave myself hulk, allowing me to break into the armory. After this, I successfully lured three people to their doom, one of them the captain, by telling them I broke into the armory, asking if they wanted sweet loot, and then after they followed me into the armory, I stung and ate them. Then, in the bar, I saw a very on fire person desperately running to the showers. I followed them while spraying them with an extinguisher to gain their trust, then once they were alone and not on fire, I stung and ate them. They told me they also had a robusttec implant in their backpack, so I took that too. Then I lured another person into the armory, who, after I ate them, turned out to be a traitor who had not spent any telecrystals, so they told me how to unlock their uplink, and I ordered five microbombs and a wrestling belt, because NOBODY EXPECTS THE WRESTLE-LING. Then I went onto the shuttle, and as the only one with bridge access from the captain I absorbed earlier, I brought the only security officer into the shuttle cockpit with me. After the shuttle launched, I fucked their shit up with my combined changeling and wrestler powers and absorbed them, causing a trio of ruffians to break into the cockpit to fight me. I went horror form, big battle happened, I got put into crit after the shuttle reached centcom, succumbed, and blew up the people attacking me with my microbombs. The most fun I have EVER had in any of my antagonist rounds, and probably in any non-admingimmick round.