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State Of The Goonion - Communication is key!
(10-29-2017, 04:17 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote: I'm personally of the opinion that big changes like pulls getting tweaked and this current one are better off implemented and then tweaked afterwards, since actual gameplay user feedback is going to end up being more valuable than constantly holding the idea back until everyone has had their say about it.

I know Ed is talking about how he was treated in some irc/discord discussion or whatever, but with regards to the ancillary issue of fluids not having been discussed prior to implementation: this is generally my opinion on that. Fluids definitely fall into the "value added" feature category as opposed to the sort of "mechanic change/nerf" that pull speed reduction, for example, entailed. As a result, I view discussion on the two very differently and agree that communication should be less "should we do thing" and more "now that you have played with thing, what should change about thing". Additionally aside from the rough few rounds when it was enabled initially and caused a butt load of lag, there are no real drawbacks to having this feature "imposed" on you. With regards to communication-after-the-fact, there is already a general fluids thread in ideas that is getting good back and forth between players and coders, so I don't see an overall issue with communication stemming from this change. Again this is all with regards to forum posting and in-game chat, and not irc or discord stuff that I haven't reviewed at this point.

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RE: State Of The Goonion - Communication is key! - by Wire - 10-30-2017, 06:19 AM

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